Best Summer College Preparation Tips

Are you looking for Best Summer College Preparation Tips? Read this blog, you will find all the essential information that you require. Albert Einstein once said, “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” – In his own words, William Arthur Ward A curious mind, more than any other academic skill, can prepare you […]
Astonishing History of Singular They

Want to know the Astonishing History of Singular They? Then you need to read this blog which will provide you with all information. When and why did the plural pronoun “they” become a singular pronoun? When did it happen? Was it in 2010, 2015, or 2017? No. The pronoun “they” was once thought to be […]
Which is the Best Choice in ACT or SAT?

Learn about Which is the Best Choice in ACT or SAT?. Read this blog, you will find all the essential information that you require. Is it better to take the ACT or the SAT? Which is the better option for me? Even though I teach writing, many students come to me with this problem, and […]
What is Academic Writing? Look What You Need to Know

Learn What is Academic Writing?. Read this blog, you will find all the essential information that you require. “Could you explain academic writing to me?” This is the most often requested question I get. So much so that I came up with a three-sentence response that I could send out whenever someone sent me a […]
13 Best Thought-Provoking Personal Narrative Prompts

Learn about Best Thought-Provoking Personal Narrative Prompts. Read this blog, you will find all the essential information that you require. Being a person means having a personal story to tell. –In his own words, Isak Dinesen What tales do you have tucked away in your mind? A personal narrative is a story that you have […]
Worst Academic Essay Writing Mistakes to Avoid

Learn about Worst Academic Essay Writing Mistakes to Avoid. Read this blog, you will find all the essential information that you require. Every student writes an academic essay that is a complete failure. It doesn’t get the grade you expected, there are comments and adjustments in the margins, or it gets a failing mark. It […]
What is the Internet Archive? The Ultimate Digital Guide

Learn how to do What is the Internet Archive? Read this blog, you will find all the essential information that you require. The Internet Archive includes about 20 million books and texts in its library. The Internet Archive is a digital library that offers anyone who wants to use free books, texts, movies, audio recordings, […]
12 Creative Descriptive Essay Prompts

Want to know Creative Descriptive Essay Prompts? Then you need to read this blog which will provide you with all information. “The reader becomes a sensory participant in the storey through description.” The phrase is said to have been coined by Stephen King. In his book On Writing, Stephen King discusses the importance of description […]
6 Creative Prewriting Activities for Academic Writing

Read this blog to learn Creative Prewriting Activities for Academic Writing. This blog will provide you with all the knowledge you need about academic writing secrets. What methods do you use to generate essay topic suggestions? How can you come up with an engaging topic that is also appropriate for academic writing? Begin with prewriting […]
How to Write a Research Paper Professors?

Read this blog to learn How to Write a Research Paper Professors? This blog will provide you with all the knowledge you need about academic writing secrets. This page is not meant to be a step-by-step guide to writing an “A” research paper. I understand that for the majority of college students, this is a […]